Endurance Radio HTML5 Player(s)
Option1 Html Code
Place the following code where you want the player on your website;
<div id="p1">
Then the following at the end of page before </body>.
<script src="https://radiowink.com/dist/freeV3.js"></script><script>var p1 = new freeYess({target: '#p1', url: 'https://az10.yesstreaming.net:8200', platform: 'ic', mountPoint: 'stream', logo: 'https://www.yesstreaming.com/img/default.png', artistc: '1010F8', songtitlec: 'FFFFFF', buttonc: 'FFFFFF', bg: 'E81717', artwork: '1', autoplay: 'false', })
Option2 Html Code
Place the following code where you want the player on your website;
<div id="p2">
Then the following at the end of page before </body>.
</script><script src="https://radiowink.com/dist/freeV3.js"></script><script>var p2 = new freeYess({target: '#p2', url: 'https://az10.yesstreaming.net:8200', platform: 'ic', mountPoint: 'stream', logo: 'https://www.yesstreaming.com/img/default.png', artistc: '1010F8', songtitlec: 'FFFFFF', buttonc: 'FFFFFF', bg: 'E81717', artwork: '1', autoplay: 'false', })
Other Players
Option 1
Option 2